Cranston Residents Association


Begins (approximately) June and runs through to early to mid-September (weather permitted). Summer Maintenance Program, highlighted on the map, includes:

  • 1m fire-cut on approved City of Calgary owned community pathways in Riverstone (Greenspace Agreement with City)- This is completed 3-4 times in a season, and is not a regular cut
  • Supplemental seasonal grass-cutting in approved City of Calgary owned Riverstone parks, including tree wells/shrub beds/light weeding (Greenspace Agreement with City)
  • Annual mulch replacement (helps to reduce weed growth) in approved City of Calgary owned Riverstone parks (Greenspace Agreement with City)
  • The Residents Association has requested weed spraying from the City of Calgary, at cost to the association, within Riverstone- which will be at the discretion of the City in relation to their policies surrounding distance to bodies of water and play-structures

Anything outside what is listed above is the City of Calgary’s responsibility, such as but not limited to:

  • All tree repair and maintenance
  • Median maintenance (boulevard maintenance is the responsibility of the homeowner)
  • Seeding & sodding of medians and park spaces
  • Fertilizing and any weed spraying
  • Water/Irrigation
  • Road snow removal
  • Road/park signage
  • Annual street sweeping
  • Wildlife support
  • Garbage pick-up (residential, pathway/public bins)